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HPaPaaS Explained

You probably already know what a high productivity application Platform as a Service (HPaPaaS) is.  You just know it under a different name.


Gartner coined the term High-Productivity application Platform as a Service (HPaPaaS) to describe rapid application development platforms that provide business developers with the tools to build enterprise applications rapidly – offered as a service – with one rapid deployment and other composite capabilities. Other than for the delivery mechanism, deployment methods and operational behaviours – Low-Code and HPaPaaS have overlapping capabilities and can be interchangeably used from a neutral point of view.

Capabilities of HPaPaaS


HPaPaaS platforms are provisioned on a subscription model with support for multi-tenancy and resource sharing.

Mobile & Multi-Chanel Support

The applications built using HPaPaaS should be able to seamlessly deploy on multiple devices without the need of writing code for different devices or operating systems.

Data and Process Modelling

The platform should have the capability to manage data models, documents and business processes. As these three form the base for most enterprise applications, it is imperative to natively support them.

Citizen Development

The platform should enable business developers to easily build enterprise applications. It should support for a model-driven, drag-n-drop environment which simplifies the app development process.

Integration Development

As most enterprise applications will need to integrate with internal and external systems, HPaPaaS should support all integration mechanisms including API, Microservices, EDA, etc.

SDLC Automation

HPaPaaS essentially replaces traditional methods of software development. Thus it is imperative they provide for automation tools for each phase of traditional SDLC i.e. Design, Requirements, Versioning, Testing, Integration, Deployment, etc.

Developer Collaboration

HPaPaaS enables developers to build apps easily and rapidly. The platform should enable developers to collaborate and leverage prebuilt apps, development accelerators, marketplace, communities, etc.

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